Wednesday 26 March 2014

Adventure Log: Entry 1

Today after class, I bused into town to pick up some fabric (yay!) Afterwards, I decided to do a bit of exploring, since it was a part of town I'd never really seen.

I love Vancouver so stupidly much. I love that it is a "hilly" city, so on certain streets you can see how everything is built on an incline. I love the way downtown is such a crowded place with it's big city vibe, but behind it you can see the mountains! I think I love the mountains more than anything. If you take any of the buses that go down 4th avenue (the 4, 44, 84), you can see the mountains pretty clearly in the distance. But, most people don't seem to even notice that they're there, and that appalls me. I suppose they are 'real' Vancouverites who are used to living near mountains, and I guess they find them ordinary. I just don't think I could ever get used to them! We don't have mountains in southern Ontario.

It sort of makes you wonder what sorts of beautiful and fascinating things in one's life go unnoticed simply because one is accustomed to them. If people can get tired of mountains, what else could they take for granted? I wonder what little things in my own life I fail to appreciate, that someone else might care deeply for.

I guess you can't really know the answer to these things. That sort of bothers me. I try my best to consciously take note of all that I am privileged to have, but I'm sure some things slip through the cracks.

I digress. This post was just supposed to be about the city. I hadn't meant for this to become so self reflective. Oops. Anyways, here are some crappy phone pictures from my mini-adventure: 
cloudy sky/distance skyline

quaint little street

I know a lot of people hate cloudy days, but I think Vancouver is oddly charming when its cloudy. Wouldn't you agree?
Maybe I'll bring my camera next time I go exploring so I can get some good quality photos.

(Note: I'll probably be posting quite a bit for the next little while, just to get this blog up and running. After that, it'll be more of a once/twice a week sort of deal.)

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